Plateau State Association USA Donates Relief Material to Bokkos IDPs

By Gilbert Joseph

Plateau State Association, USA, Inc., (PSA-USA) on Friday, 26th January, 2024, donated food items consisting of bags of rice, vegetable oil, flour and other valuables to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Bokkos Local Government Area of Plateau State, North Central Nigeria.
President of the Association, Dr. Bartholomew Shepkong, who embarked on a first-hand assessment visit to the central IDP camp situated at the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN central), regretted the level of dehumanizing condition the victims of Fulani attacks have been subjected to.

Dr. Shepkong said “I wish to offer to you our deepest condolences at PSA-USA over what has happened because it is inhumane and at the same time it bothers us -those in the diaspora as we have brothers and sisters back at home.
“As a matter of fact, one of us was affected because seven of his cousins were killed, and so you can imagine how much it hurts.”

He expressed the hope that in no distant time, the period of trial will be over for the people.

According to him, “I think it’s just a matter of time that everybody will definitely be alright, and we have to be here to offer our support, to let you know that we as an organization are always thinking about you and we’ll continue to do our best to offer the assistance that we can.”

Former Local Government Chairman of Bokkos and member of the IDP support committee, Hon. Zakka Akos, noted that the situation was not only in Bokkos Local Government.
He revealed that “We have this situation in Mangu as well but the staff here are not resting at all as they constantly have to ensure the they attend to the needs of the people.

“Our people prefer to stay in their homes ordinarily, but the homes are not safe at all and we can’t afford to take them back home when the enemies are still lurking around.”

Chairman of the IDP support committee, Rev. Mandong Steven Bitrus, who was flanked by Mr. Steven Manshigil, secretary, Ms. Sarah Danchin, member of the Red Cross and Ms. Victoria Jeremiah, committee member appreciated the PSA-USA for their thoughtfulness.

He disclosed that “We have about 13, IDP camps and at the last count, over 6,000 displaced persons were recorded with the exception of those seeking shelter in the homes of their relatives.

“And the total number of people that have been dislodged from 32 different communities of Bokkos is about 19,000.”

He added that “But as at Tuesday, 23rd January, 2024, we have been feeding them from this central collection center.

“We, however, streamlined the aid to those whose houses were destroyed and looted and have nothing to hold on to and we’re still collecting statistics.”

Rev. Bitrus also appealed for more support and attention from spirited individuals to assist with food items and roofing materials as the houses of displaced persons would need to be rebuilt when the situation is brought under considerable control.

Chairman, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), in Bokkos Local Government, Rev. Steven Saleh thanked the PSA-USA for the uncommon brotherliness displayed by their acts of kindness and sought that same be conveyed to all the members in the diaspora.

He said “It is a fact that whoever visits you in time of trouble is your own, I have no doubt that PSA-USA has earned a special place in the hearts of our people.

“May God repay you in great measure for your show of support to the brothers and sisters in need for no fault of theirs.”

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