PDP is not on the ballot, PDP is the ballot~ Senator Simon Mwadkon

The candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the Senatorial rerun election ordered by the Court of Appeal Senator Simon Mwadkon (P. hD) has said that the PDP is not only on the ballot but PDP is the ballot. This is coming ahead of the 2024 Plateau North Senatorial and Bassa/Jos North Federal Constituency Rerun Elections schedule to hold on Saturday February 3rd 2024 across all polling units within the 6 Local Government Areas of Bassa, B/Ladi, Jos East, Jos North, Jos South and Riyom respectively.

Senator Simon Mwadkon made this known at the Flag-off of campaigns for the February 3rd Rerun Elections held at the Langfield Event Center, Rayfield, Jos on Saturday 27th January 2024.

Senator Mwadkon was reacting to a campaign by the opposition parties in Plateau State who are claiming that the PDP was not going to be on the ballot for the rerun. Recall that the Court of Appeal had in November 2023 nullified the elections of former Senator Minority Leader Simon Mwadkon and Hon Musa Agah Aviah and ordered a rerun. But in a reaction Senator Mwadkon said that the …”We (PDP) is not on the ballot on the rerun but We (PDP) are the ballot”.

Also speaking at the event, State Chairman of the PDP Hon Chris Hassan while admonishing supporters and indeed Plateau people to come out in their numbers to replicate with a wider margin the victory which they gave the PDP in 2023 called on the opposition to forget about winning.

“I want to plead with our brothers who are contesting this election with us, let them go back history, let them go back to memory lane. The only political party that can represent the interest of the people of Plateau State is the Peoples Democratic Party.”

“Anybody that is close to those who are contesting, the other parties, please comfort them, their time is coming but this particular elections is for the Peoples Democratic Party”.

The Executive Governor of Plateau State Barrister Caleb Mutfwang, while addressing the energized crowd expressed gratitude for their steadfast support over the years. He urged them to turn out in large numbers and vote decisively for Sen. Simon Mwadkon and Musa Agah, emphasizing their commitment not only to the PDP but to the people of Plateau State.

“Thank you for your commitment, devotion, and determination, not just to the PDP but to the people of Plateau State. The people of Plateau State have a covenant with the PDP, and that’s why they have always stood by us.”

The governor appreciated the voters for their support during the 2023 election despite economic challenges and encouraged them to replicate that support on February 3, 2024.

“It is time for us to show the people of Plateau State that we do not take this responsibility lightly. Therefore, we have the duty and responsibility to go to every nook and cranny of the six local government areas of Plateau North to ensure that these two gentlemen return to the National Assembly.”

Governor Mutfwang called on INEC to remain an unbiased party in the re-run election, assuring Plateau residents that PDP would be on the ballot and would win convincingly.

Former Governor of Plateau State, Sen. Jonah David Jang, highlighted Plateau’s historical allegiance to the PDP and commended the late Chief Solomon Lar for laying a solid foundation for the party in Plateau and Nigeria.

Jang urged Plateau residents to ignore individuals using religious and ethnic sentiments to divide the people, emphasizing the importance of unity for peace and harmony in the state.

He appealed to National and State Assembly lawmakers whose mandates were nullified at the Appeal Court to exercise patience as the party awaits the decision of the National Judicial Council on unjust judgments.

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